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person learning how to reduce water waste at home

How To Reduce Water Waste At Home

We know that water is what we need to live, and yet we do so much to squander it. The concerns about water scarcity as well as environmental sustainability are both valid and rising, and there’s a good reason for that. We have to take as many proactive steps to reduce water waster as we can so that we can preserve water for our generation and beyond.

First and foremost, companies such as American Water are there to ensure that our water is in optimal condition. But there are things that we could be doing at home and at work to make sure that we are reducing wastewater. By adopting these simple but yet effective strategies, we cannot only conserve water but will minimize how our impact is affecting it. 

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marisa donnelly and stepson laying in yard

How To Reduce Your Stress Levels As A Parent

My journey into motherhood was non-traditional, which is why I’ve always struggled to find where I “fit” in relation to expecting moms, new moms, or even moms adding another child to the mix.

I’ve always felt like these moms have different stresses—and in a strange sense, expected stresses—because they largely knew what they were ‘getting into’ by having a child of their own. Whereas my stresses (and my whole motherhood experience in general) was largely unexpected, unplanned.

And that’s not to say I didn’t choose—actively, intentionally, and happily—to become a stepmama. I did. But despite willingly jumping in, I didn’t know what to expect. And I was stresed.

But isn’t this experience universal?

I think, regardless of your parenthood story, you’ll face challenges, obstacles, ups and downs, and moments of overwhelm. But you’ll move through them, and learning to reduce your stress levels as a parent can be one of the biggest lessons on your journey. Here are a few suggestions that have helped me. Maybe they’ll help you, too.

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How To Manage Motherhood & Physical Recovery

Being a mom is the best. . . but it also means you never get a break (haha). No matter how much time you have to yourself, it feels like you’re always on call. And for some moms (read: many moms), this even carries a level of guilt from time to time. Now, factor in a physical injury and recovery, and that can make it even more difficult to find balance, peace, or self-care.

However, making time for yourself—especially during physical recovery—is not only essential, it can mean the difference between healing or not healing! Yes, you have children who depend on you, but you can only pour from a full cup.

Here are some suggestions for balancing motherhood and recovery, as well as taking up space in your day-to-day life. (PS: You’ve got this!)

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