Submit Your Story

TO SUBMIT, FIRST READ THIS: [SUBMISSION GUIDELINES & AGREEMENT]. Submitting to our Site means that you (a) acknowledge and (b) agree to the following Publication terms. Please fill out the contact form below with your information and initial submission. Look forward to reading your work!



Looking to submit your story to Momish Moments? Wonderful! Here are some Editorial Guidelines to help you as you move forward.

First Steps:

If you haven’t already, you will soon be receiving an official ‘Invite Link’ to log into the Momish Moments site. Before officially submitting, you will need to log in and create your author profile from this link. When you log in, you’ll see the Users & Your Profile section on the left-hand dashboard. Please edit this information, including a 1-2 sentence bio, good photo (please, no mirror selfies!), and any preferred website or social media links you’d like included.

*Remember that your bio will reflect you and link people to your sites!

How To Submit Your Story:

You can submit your story by uploading content onto the site in a post format (once you’ve logged in). Please upload a complete article with a title. When you’re finished, please hit the ‘Submit for Review’ button on the top right. At this point, editors will be notified and look through and edit your submission.

You will receive an email when your post has been scheduled, and another when it’s published and live on the site.

*Please be patient! We are a small team! If you ever have questions about the status of your submission, please feel free to email us

Articles & SEO Guidelines:

We are looking for authentic and real articles about parenting, raising children, education, and anything related to youngsters! There are no specific *rules* for submissions, but please ensure your writing is your own!

Please aim for posts between 500-1500 words. Essays or pieces broken into lists (listicles) with strong headers are preferred, but not required! The aim is to keep readers engaged and get them to share your work with their audiences.

SEO Guidelines:
To the best of your ability, please work on implementing strong SEO within your pieces. (If you’re not sure what that is – don’t worry – the editors will help you!) The title of your article should have a main keyword or phrase in it; this keyword should also be repeated throughout the article. Please use your keyword in the: title, first paragraph, headline within the post (H3 font), and one other time within the body of the piece.

*DO work on this, but don’t worry too much about getting it perfect—our editors will help you!

Content & Editing:

For now, we will be responsible for editing. However, please do your best to submit polished and error-free work. If issues repeatedly arise in your submissions, we may have to restrict your submission access. [If you’re interested in working with one of our editors or writing coaches directly for help on your piece(s) please see our Publisher’s services page. This is our founder’s company!]

Social Media & Sharing:

After your piece is live, please share it! We will also post content through our social media channels as we see fit. (If you haven’t already, connect with Instagram page, as well as our founder’s Facebook!)

*While our goal is to publish and share your work, we cannot guarantee that every submission will be published through social media. If you have questions regarding this, please send us an email.

We are excited to read your submissions! ❤️