Mom Hacks

5 Ways To Combat Mom Sleep Deprivation

tired mom sleeping in bed

Being a mom is undoubtedly the greatest job in the world, but the lack of sleep can be a major problem. Finding a way to restore a sense of normality to your sleeping patterns will dramatically enhance your life. While it may seem like an impossible mission, you can fight your mom sleep deprivation with only a few, small lifestyle changes.

The key is to build a routine that can be maintained.

1) Focus On Your Child’s Sleep Patterns

If your child is struggling with sleep, then chances are, you are too. (Especially when it comes to younger kids or babies.) A good, sleep-promoting bedroom should have a comfortable temperature and an uncluttered vibe. Calming musical toys are wise investments that can promote a better night’s sleep.

For the best results, you should also consider implementing a nighttime routine that helps your child understand when it’s time for bed. Bath, books, and low-energy activities will help to ease them towards sleep mode.

2) Remove Stress

Haha. Easier said than done, right? Stress causes an array of problems in your life, and they are exacerbated by a lack of sleep. We all face high-conflict moments, but whenever possible, try to remove stress (both physically and emotionally) from your day. Vegan CBD oils can help calm the nerves before bed, particularly if you have experienced anxiety due to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, increased personal organization is a great way to fight against uneeded feelings of dissaray. One suggestion is to create a manageable to-do list for the day. When you’ve checked off all assignments, you’ll have a far better shot at easing into sleep and enjoying a deeper sense of relaxation.

3) Combat Skin Irritation

There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning all night as a result of feeling uncomfortable in bed. Choosing silk pillows and bedding can certainly help you combat your mom sleep deprivation. Something else to consider is how to target eczema and other skin irritations that could be disrupting your sleep. This is a step that can extend to your child’s wellbeing, too! A good evening routine that includes cleaning and moisturizing the skin can provide further calm around bedtime.

4) Be Smart About Napping

Most parenting manuals advise you to sleep whenever your child does. Make no mistake, it’s not a bad idea to get some daytime rest to compensate for what you’re not getting at night. Nonetheless, it’s important to limit your daytime naps to 20-30 minutes. Any longer could disrupt your hopes of getting to sleep at night, making the benefits counterproductive. Besides using the time to do something more productive will free up more time to be enjoyed with the kids when they wake up.

5) Try To Be More Active

Parenting can be a mentally exhausting job. Combine this with the physical tiredness of adding a bit of exercise to your daily routine, and you will find the recipe for a better sleep pattern. As counterintuitive as it may sound, workouts can work wonders. If you don’t have the time and money for a gym membership, home workouts are just as useful.

Find time where exercise fits and feels natural in your schedule. Then supplement this with an evening routine that calms you for bed (just like you do with your child!) Turn off the gadgets or have a relaxing bath. Take time to wind down, relax, and shut your mind off of “work mode” and “mom mode” so that you can nod off with a clear head.

For other mom tips, advice, and thoughts on sleep deprivation, click here!

Featured Image Credit: Kinga Cichewicz

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