
3 Stupidly Simple Mom Health Tips

mom health tips

If you’re a mom, you know that (more often than not) you’re putting your children/family needs above your own. This just comes with the territory, and despite how often you try to be your own best advocate, sometimes you just run out of time, energy, and self-love. But, the truth is, if you don’t put yourself and your needs at the forefront (at least a good amount of the time!) then you’re going to get burnt out. Whether taking time to move your body or consuming good food/fuel, here are some (stupidly!) simple mom health tips:

Move Your Body (Every Day!)

Whenever you can, get yourself moving! This can be bicycling while sitting at your desk, doing some crunches and/or yoga poses, or walking with your child in the stroller. Even something that feels small and simple (like going to the park together, for example) can make an impact!

Try to take a little bit of time, every day, to go outside and take a walk. You’ll get some exercise and some fresh air at the same time. This is also a great way to decompress and unwind! However, it’s important to remember that exercise does not have to be difficult in order to be helpful. Just getting up and moving physically can help you get more energy, a more positive attitude, and a more encouraged outlook on life. 

Find (& Follow!) An Eating Plan That Works For You

Even when you are pressed for time or energy, eating nutritious foods is critical! Try to corporate enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as lean protein and whole grains. And it doesn’t have to be boring, either! Delicious soups (like this easy cabbage soup in spicy miso broth) count and can help you enjoy your food—which makes a big difference!

For those who are unfamiliar with the process of creating meals from scratch, investing in a cookbook or online meal plan, or alternatively, using a meal delivery service that offers healthy recipes may be beneficial. You can also rely on websites and mobile apps to help you make healthier dietary choices.

Step Away From Tech

Spending an excessive amount of time looking at screens can be detrimental to your vision. The blue light can also induce headaches and neck pain in certain individuals. Taking breaks every 20 minutes or so to rest your eyes is important if you are spending a lot of time on the computer.

It is also vital to keep your child’s screen usage to a bare minimum, too. Spending too much time in front of a screen might cause focus problems and difficulty sleeping. Try to establish daily time limitations for how much time they can spend on the internet or watching television.

Also, while you are spending time together as a family, try to engage in off-screen activities! Play games, read books or take a walk outside to observe the natural world. There are countless options for spending quality time with your family that does not entail looking at a computer screen!

For other parent health tips, head to our Health & Wellness page!

Featured Image Credit: Jonathan Borbas
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